Student Employment Day

Student Employment Day (Flyer)

Friday, January 26, 2024

Career Center

12:00 P.M. - 4:00 P.M.

*** We will not be hosting a traditional student employment fair this spring. We have designed an event for both those students who are currently employed - and their supervisors - as well as students who are looking for on campus employment. Students and supervisors are highly encouraged to attend. 


12:00 – 1:00: Staff lunch and learn

1:00 – 2:00: Staff and student meet and greet

2:00 – 3:00: Excelling at your student employment position

3:00 – 4:00: 1-on-1 student resume reviews and applying to jobs


Join us in this afternoon event to:

- Meet other students employed on campus.

- Network with student supervisors on campus.

- Learn how to build your resume through your position on campus.

- Create growth goals for the semester ahead.

- Explore possible positions.


All questions can be directed to 

Student Employment Day Flyer

**Student employment fair will be held again in the fall of 2024.**

Employer Information

Registration instructions via Handshake

  • Select this link to Handshake, and select Employer, to create an account as an Employer.
  • Once signed into Handshake, then click on "Register", at the top right of the page.
  • If it states you are Registered, click the down button, and select Register another division.
  • Select your Booth type, Division and any Extra Items you might need.
  • Fill in the Basic Information which includes choosing your Division from the drop down menu to complete registration.
  • Fill out the form completely, including Full and Part-Time positions.
  • You may list in the Details where to apply, for instance in ATS or at
  • Please select Manual for payment method and then click Create Registration
  • Please email for Handshake account issues or call 812-237-5000.

What employers should expect the Student Employment Programs Job Fair

  • Employer check-in begins at 10:30 a.m. All employers need to be checked-in and set-up by 10:50 a.m.
  • One 8 foot table and 2 chairs will be provided for each employer. Please provide your own table cover if you choose.  
  • Doors to Dede II and Dede III will open for students to enter at 11:00 a.m.
  • Sign-in sheets will be available on the table. You may collect the names and e-mail addresses of students who visit your table. This can be helpful for future jobs or volunteer opportunities within your department/organization.

Expectations of Employers

  • Plan to stay the entire event, 11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
  • Bring your business cards.
  • Market your department or organization with a table top display or giveaways (optional).
  • Bring brief job descriptions to share with students that describe the jobs you currently have posted in the Applicant Tracking System (ATS). List the ST15# of your job on the job description.
  • Bring copies of the materials you want to distribute to the students with you to the Job Fair (plan for approximately 200 students).
  • Direct students to apply on-line using ATS. Please do not accept or distribute applications at the Job Fair.

Parking for off-campus Employers

Parking can be found at 5th and Chestnut at the West Visitor Pay Lot or in the Cherry Street Parking Garage. Upon entering the gate, take a ticket from the dispenser. Display the ticket on your dash. Exit the location by pulling up to the self-service pay station and first entering the ticket you received upon entering the lot and then the parking coupon you will receive at the Student Employment Job Fair.

Student Information

What students can expect from the Student Employment Job Fair

  • Employers who represent:

    • on-campus departments who hire students with and without Federal Work Study
    • off-campus community service agencies (non-for profit) who hire Federal Work-Study eligible students only
  • Information about specific jobs available during the fall semester and possible openings for the fall and spring semester
  • Opportunities to learn more about Indiana State University, Student Employment Programs, the Career Center, and Terre Haute’s non-profit organizations that are active in the community and who need support from Indiana State University students!

Expectations of students who attend Job Fair

  • Clean, neat appearance that will make a positive first impression on the employers in attendance.

    • No jeans, T-shirts, flip-flops or shorts
  • Knowledge of your Federal Work Study eligibility, if you are unaware of your Federal Work Study eligibility Financial Aid will be present at the fair to check eligibility status only.
  • Your resume, if you have one.

Features of the Job Fair

Table talks will be going on throughout the event. Topics include:

  • How to apply for a job on ATS
  • Handshake Overview
  • Career Services Overview
  • Financial Aid


Please contact for questions about the Student Employment Job Fair.